Thursday, December 31, 2015

The 10 posted photos are from two war-games I set up and played solitaire. The first was a hypothetical grand tactical problem which entailed forcing a river in the face of strong enemy opposition, holding a formidable defensive position. The second as a historical simulation of the Battle of Golymin. Here, the French are in a close pursuit of Russian detachments withdrawing toward the east. The French, led by Murat and Augureau, catch the Russian general, Galitzin, before he can retire through the town. Historically, Galitzin fought a skillful delaying action and was able to extricate his forces through the night.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice ! Congratulations.
    How would you do Rosenberg's 4 AM Attack (3 columns + the dragoon division attached) with consideration to
    French partial assembly between Grosshofen and Glitzerdorf ?
    the arrival of French HVy Cav art
    French Heavy Cav ( all or some ?)
    Remainder of Davout's III corps.

    How can the scenario come off for tabletop ?
    Any suggestions wb welcome
    Cheers ! and Congratulations again !
